Architecture is awesome. The idea of designing places in which we live and work fascinates me so much so that I would have probably attempted some sort of career with it if I wasn’t absolutely retarded at math.

I thought it might be cool/helpful/interesting/whatever to explain an overview of the more popular architectural styles throughout history.

Known for temples, open air theaters, rectangular buildings, statues and columns. Had defined, elegant proportions uncomplicated by colors and heavy mixing of materials. Think Disney’s rendition of Hercules.

The use of the arch and improvements with concrete led to beautiful aqueducts and bridge structures. Roman architecture featured the creation of dome ceilings for large public spaces. The style was inherently similar to greek architecture except the Romans had the coliseum. Instantly more badass.

This style was big during the medieval period. Think of those big old cathedrals that give off an impending sense of doom. Also castles, abbeys and university buildings. Powerful, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses (hehe) to emphasize themes of verticality. Basically, pointy and sharp looking buildings.

The renaissance architectural styles were very unimaginative. It was a revival and development of greek and roman ideas. This style concentrated on lots of symmetry, proportion, geometry, columns, arches, domes, etc. Basically just elements from previous architectural styles redone to serve new purposes.

Baroque architecture was all about grandeur. Rich dudes had these buildings built to impress visitors and express power. The rules of this architectural style were rigid, symmetrical and dramatic. But overall pretty whatever if you ask me.

Originally writen by creatiik and most pictures collected from pinterest