Religion, throughout human history, has been the inspiration for brilliant and luminous works of literature, philosophy, sculpture, painting and architecture. From the sands of ancient Egypt to the streets of modern day Barcelona, sacred traditions are embodied, expressed and preserved in places of worship and pilgrimage.

The following is a list of 25 of the most impressive works of religious architecture following a historical timeline. While this list is most certainly incomplete, and many more sites could be included, those presented below offer a diverse collection of the world’s most glorious and awe-inspiring edifices.

As the most ancient of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid of Giza is also the most ancient architectural site on our list. Although the oldest, it is also one of the only Wonders to remain relatively intact. It is believed to have been built around 2560 B.C. and although the pyramid was believed to be a tomb, the pyramids played a significant role in the religious beliefs and practices of the Egyptian people. The pyramid was the place of rebirth for the ka or the soul.

Egyptians believed that the comfort of the soul after death depended on how the body was preserved. What remained with the body could be enjoyed in the afterlife. Built by farmers during the flood seasons, the pyramid is made of stones weighing over 2 tons each. The amazing phenomenon of transporting and hoisting these huge stones to an amazing original height of 481 feet has been the matter of conjecture for some time.

Until the early 20th century this impressive structure was the highest in the world. The mathematical precision with which the pyramid was built exceeds that of any other. Although the pyramid covers a massive 13 acres, the level of each corner base stone is no more than one-half inch lower or higher than the others.

The measurements throughout the pyramid show that the constructors were likely aware of the exact size of the earth as well as precise mathematical measurements such as pi and the Golden Mean far before they were so named.

Originally writen by onlineschoolscenter and most pictures collected from pinterest